VirexpR is delighted to announce a strategic alliance with NeoVirTech, the leader in virus imaging in France. This collaboration will allow VirexpR to generate new contaminated atmospheres within its test benches by nebulizing NeoVirTech autofluorescent DNA viruses panel in order to measure the efficiency of air treatment and respiratory protection devices by using an image based readout.
VirexpR is a service company expert in virology serving establishments open to the public, communities and industry, in order to contribute to a better control of respiratory viral pathogens and a better indoor air quality in confined spaces.
Picture below represents VirexpR test chamber in which Neovirtech VACV ANCHOR poxvirus was nebulized, recovered using Coriolis cyclonic aspiration and then confocal microscopy imaged following human cell infection to calculate the number of infectious and replicating particles (green dot viral DNA, magenta cell marker, blue cell nucleus).
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